Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oh X-men, how I love thee!

So many things have happened in my exceptionally exciting life since I last posted three years ago. I saw the new X-men movie (my review rating: an order of General Tso's and three pieces of cheesecake!) I heart X-men! But sometimes I feel like those fake Harry Potter fans who claim to LOVE Harry Potter and then go on to identify their favorite MOVIE. (You know who you are, and you should be ashamed of yourself. You may as well be illiterate.) That said, I love the X-men movies and have not followed the comic book series, BUT let me explain myself. I think I should be excused from my own judgement because comic books suck. There, I said it. They are soooo much work for soooo little content.

"Oh, look at me. I'm a comic book. I'm pop art with a fortune cookie fortune worth of dialogue. Love me. Follow me. Invest fifty years into seeing how my story unravels..."

(sticks out tongue, makes fart noise, thumbs down sign). Please, comic book. No one will wait in line at midnight for your latest edition and then lock themselves into their adult apartment to continuously read you for two days, surviving on minimal sleep and pizza delivery breadsticks while neglecting to study for their upcoming law school final exams! (it's an expression.)

Also the dentist and I are taking a break with the hopes of renewing our relationship in November (when, as a term of our romance, he will clean my teeth). I know, I know. I was bummed too. But it's for the best! We just want different things. He wants to see other people, or as he calls them "patients" (whatever that means), and I don't want to pay him for more work. I'm not going to floss just to spite him.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about you and the dentist but dont worry mom was scouting out one of the single Murphy boys from church for you...

  2. I halfheartedly agree with your comic book assessment...they have their moments. But if you were a REAL X-Men fan who hates comics at least you would watch the most amazing 90's TV series! (We have them all if you want to borrow them) They are pretty good, not quite wait in line at midnight for the latest edition and then lock themselves into their adult apartment to continuously watch for two days, surviving on minimal sleep and pizza delivery breadsticks good-but close. (P.S. I use that expression ALL the time.)

  3. Oh, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE with the fake Harry Potter fans assessment. Their illiteracy just keeps holding them back from the real is sad when you think about it. (Sorry Steph)

  4. I did check out the first couple episode of the animated X-men TV series on Netflix. So far, not impressed. Sorry, I want to be! Please don't jump me in the parking lot at Comic-Con.
