Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tooth Decay & Soul Appraisal

Damn my parents and their hereditary play-doh teeth! I paid a visit to the dentist, or as I will now refer to him, the wallet leech, and received some bad news. No, not tooth cancer, but an equally awful diagnosis: two crowns and three fillings (fortunately the mortality rate is very low.). I wasn’t shocked to hear that I needed work. I’ve had a literal baker’s dozen of cavities in my life because my teeth suck. They are apparently very soft and love a good cavity (who doesn’t!?). What I was NOT prepared for was the bill. Despite having dental insurance I am now on a payment plan that only requires a fraction of my paycheck for the next 18 months… and my soul upon death (unfortunately appraised for less than I was counting on).

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I know the feeling. Stupid doctors and their "insurance" you need to have but pays for nothing. Good luck going under the knife! (Or what ever they use for crowns.)
